Monday, October 31, 2005

Paris, Krakow, back to Praha

A real update will come, eventually.

My computer died in Paris -- the motherboard -- so telecommunications are much more difficult.

However, I can use the school computers to upload pictures pretty easily, so I've done that. The new photo page is a Yahoo Photos page, because they give me unlimited space. (And I realized I totally stole Tina's username, although I was going for the whole "An American In Paris" thing with the "A Dunchak in Praha." But, yeah.)

There are some pictures from Paris on my Flickr, but I will probably put them on the Yahoo and stop using the Flickr until I have my own comptuer again.

So, details of my European traversing will come soon. Paris was okay, nothing fantastic. Enjoyed the museums -- Louvre, d'Orsay, Pompidou. Didn't enjoy the American-feeling culture, the expensive food, the rats in my hostel, or the breaking of my computer. Krakow was amazing. I loved Poland; it is my favorite place I have been in Europe so far.

Time for class. Only 1.5 months left in my European adventure.

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